Creative Writing Friends…send me your work.

The Northridge Review is shifting to an online literary magazine.  We are accepting work from writers across all genres, fields, what have you.  I’m the Prose Editor for the Spring Edition, and I’d love to see your stuff.  Send me your weird, eclectic, unconventional writings.  Make my skin crawl.  Give me nightmares.  Or, just tell me a story about your cat.  I can vibe with that.  I tell stories about mine all the time.  She’s a total bitch; pisses all over the place.  I want to read whatever it is that you have to write.  So write away, friends.  You’ve got one week left.

Submit Here:

POST EDIT/ADDITIONAL DETAILS: Long-form fiction/short story may be a a maximum of 5,000 words in one individual piece, or three separate short pieces at 1,000 words each or less).

poster for blog

Sidenote: Please don’t send me stories about your cat.

11 thoughts on “Creative Writing Friends…send me your work.

  1. Felix Hinson

    I’d have something to submit but:
    1: It’s probably waaay too long.
    2: It’s not even finished yet.
    Sorry for that, but I’ll keep this in mind for later. I write a lot of short things on my phone so maybe I’ll submit a couple…


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